
Hello and welcome!

I am a driven individual, fueled by my passions for technology and creativity. As a geek with expertise in machine learning, AI, and full-stack development, I continuously strive to refine my skills and knowledge. My motto is to explore, engineer, and exceed limits to achieve the best possible outcomes. As a technical product manager, photographer, and writer, I bring a unique perspective and relentless drive to everything I do

background clicked with moto x play, hey i'm a photographer too ♥



Information Retrieval and Conversational AI

an Artificial Intelligent Conversational Chatbot and relevant information extraction from the internet in real time. Trying to mimic true artificial intelligence behaviour by data mining and web scrapping query results from the internet

City Kiosk with MapboxGL

With angular 5 developed a kiosk running on MapboxGl. integrated with transport API and real-time departure information and journey planner. Very generic approach so later can be scaled to different cities. Typescript, Angular 5, MapboxGL

Movie Seat Reservation System

Developed a movie seat reservation system using the AngularJS and have developed the same separately using vanilla JavaScript and jQuery HTML5, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS

To-do API JavaScript

Developed a RESTful API for to-do lists where basic CRUD functionalities were implemented with simple search functionality using string query. used: GIT, JavaScript, ExpressJS

Creating 6 vresion of Home page

As per the request of my previous employer have created a landing home page with 6 versions and a profile page consiting of all user info

A/B conversion test

Getting the client ip address and the algorithm is prepared to show 8 different views to the user depending on the user ip address giving in- depth analytical information of which view has more impact to the company.

Project ALPHA

with python at backend and with Django web frame work have created a meta search engine by web mining and phrasing through html and deploying to live server in heroku.

portable PAS

implementing a portable Personal Assistant System (PAS) that has access to the internet with Raspberry PI. This system process the user audio input using STT and responds with audio output using the TTS. The coding is done under the Python platform.

question & answer syetm

I have implementing a question and answer Assistant System.written in python programming language by data scraping information throughout the web and integrating with Cleverbot and HTML phrasing.

“ Every time you learn something.The perspective of the world which you see keeps changing.”
— Sharath Kumar G